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          (they 的受格)他們,她們,它們, ﹙用來指性別不詳的人,以代替 him 或 her﹚, (不規則用法,相當於 those)那些…
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          (三人称複数形目的格)彼らに(を), 彼女たちに(を), それらに(を)…
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          onları, onlara, (emin olunmayan durumlarda) onları…
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          les, leur, eux…
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          ells, elles, els…
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          هُمْ, هُنَّ…
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          je, jim, jimi…
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          dem, ham…
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          พวกเขา (รูปกรรมของ they)…
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          chúng nó, họ, chúng…
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          je, ich, go…
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          sie, ihnen, ihn…
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          dem, han, henne…
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          eles, elas…
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          (they 的宾格)他们,她们,它们, ﹙用来指性别不详的人,以代替 him 或 her﹚, (不规则用法,相当于 those)那些…
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          li, le, loro…
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          им, ими, их…
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          ellos, ellas, los…
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